Picture Frame Wreath and Film Bows

When it came time to take down my Fall wreath my plan was to make a new wreath themed for Christmas and winter. But, the more I brainstormed ideas in my head, the more I wanted to make a new wreath that didn’t have to be changed every season, something I could change out when I felt bored with it.

Grayson actually assisted in this idea by getting into my closet and pulling out my old camera bag, out-dated camera, film, and lenses. He ignored the camera and lenses and pulled all the film as far out of their containers as possible. At first, I set the ribbons of film out of his reach with every intention to toss them once I made it to that room in my morning cleaning, but when I got to them I thought of how cute bows out of film would be. I took a frame that you’ve seen before and here too, freshened up the paint a bit, and started making bows out of the film.

The bows are fairly easy to make. I just cut straight down the center of the film strips, cut those strips down to size, and stapled them together. I used glue to attach them to the frame, and some more glue to attach the center.


memory wreath film wreath bow out of film

For the wording I just printed and cut out the letters and glued them to the film. I am very happy with it. I think the bows would be adorable on Christmas or birthday presents for your favorite person with a knack for photography. This wreath has been hanging happily on our front door for nearly two months now and I’m not bored of it yet. It will probably stay there until we leave Germany. Unless, of course, we are here in spring. Then I will rehang my spring wreath I made last year.

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3 Responses to Picture Frame Wreath and Film Bows

  1. “Picture Frame Wreath and Film Bows |
    They Call Me Loopy” was in fact a perfect blog post.

    If it owned a lot more photographs it could be possibly even a lot better.
    All the best -Kathy

  2. Pingback: Stick Wreath + Felt Flower Photo Tutorial | They Call Me Loopy

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