Who Am I?

I am just beginning to figure that out.

I’m a military wife, and a mom of 3 beautiful kids. My boys are 6 and 4, and my precious baby girl is 4 months old. I’ve taken a year off from blogging and I’m ready to jump right back into it.

Here you can read about our crazy life, find some yummy recipes, and learn about some fun crafts you can try with your kiddos. I may even show off a few of my custom art pieces.

Welcome to our crazy world. I’m certainly enjoying the ride. Although, it can be a bumpy one, it’s a hell of a lot of fun to be on.

18 Responses to Who Am I?

  1. You’ve got some great stories. Looking forward to following you:) Thanks for the “like”.

  2. Some great reading on your blog. Thanks for being the first person who liked my first post.many cherries were popped today 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking a recent post! Looking forward to taking a closer look around your site! Have a great day!

  4. joy2wrld says:

    I’m enjoying reading about your adventures!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. onlykrish says:

    There is some really interesting blogging work going on here. Thanks for stopping by to read mine. Enjoy words!

  6. bulajoo says:

    I’ve just converted my journal over to wordpress today – it was a lovely welcome to be “liked” on my first day here.

  7. jmlindy422 says:

    Hi, thanks for the like on my blog, Snide Reply, and the post “The Soul Train.” I’ve been called loopy many times in my life, so I’m looking forward to check out your blog.

  8. Admin says:

    Thanks for the like on my pic, you do have some very good work here. I’m happy to follow 🙂

  9. joshdaffern says:

    thanks for the like on my post! Looks like you’ve got a great blog. I look forward to keeping up with it.

  10. justme143 says:

    I have enjoyed reading your blog! I’ve nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award and you can find all the info here: http://lisalaliberte143.wordpress.com/2012/09/25/another-sweet-award/

  11. Thanks for liking Emmmyjay’s Excellent Adventures! Living in Europe can be a challenge, but aren’t we blessed to have the experiences!

  12. jenyjohn says:

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my post… definitely I understand how it is with kids around…I`m also mother of two……

  13. kartwheels says:

    I like your blog and wish you and your family the best of things to come!

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