Gallery of Thoughts

Once upon a time my house was so quiet….

My husband, John, would wake and leave early for work and I would sleeeeep. I was able to let myself gradually awaken into a functioning state. I would watch some television (I will admit that I would secretly watch some ridiculous tv shows that probably destroyed brain cells daily), I would tidy the house (it never took long), and if I felt like it I would piddle around in the yard. I miss my beautiful flowers. It was such a relaxing time. When it was nearing the time for John to get home from work I would start making our dinner, a peaceful meal for two.

There is no time anymore for a leisurely wake-up. As the morning sun rises, so does my 2-year-old, Grayson. If I do not get out of bed when I am expected to I might very well be hit in the head with a sippy cup, or a toy car, or anything else for that matter. And when I get up my 6 month old, Greer, who always seems to end up in our bed, must also wake up. Time to start the day!

I spend my time now, cleaning, and doing laundry, and cleaning some more. I kiss booboos, color pictures, and put on shows. I dance and I sing. I feel like I am constantly trying to get things more organized, but I must leave things unfinished to change diapers, wipe noses, and tickle toes. I make snacks…then I make more snacks to replace the first snacks that the dog has now eaten. I calm tantrums, act as a referee, and I sometimes just stare in awe and disbelief at how fast a mess was made. Then I clean some more.

I am rarely able to talk on the phone in peace. I admit I do still watch my ridiculous shows…during nap time-if nap time happens. No more quiet dinners for 2. There is no more sleeping in. There is ALWAYS someone who needs something.

And the noise.

But, when there was no noise,  there were no little boys. No sticky fingered hugs and drool soaked kisses. No joyful squeals and belly laughs. No tickles and giggles and first words.

Grayson and Greer, Thank you for brightening my every day from sunrise to sunrise 🙂 Mommy loves you to the moon and back.

6 Responses to Gallery of Thoughts

  1. Heather says:

    I cant relate… how beautiful! I miss seeing your gorgeous face, Carissa!

  2. BrainRants says:

    Neat site. I like it. Trying. To. Watch my. Language.

    • Hahaha! Your approval is valued greatly! I’ve just recently decide to halt the business end of it and focus more on my “thoughts”. I just haven’t had time to rearrange things yet. And, please, don’t feel the need to edit yourself here.

  3. stephicakes says:

    I can relate to so much you’ve said here. Your boys are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. pstpierre says:

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my post.

    Love your blog and your beautiful family.

    Enjoy them everyday.

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